a circular hero.
We have a mission: to stop living on credit from our planet and future generations. We are giving up a no longer sustainable linear consumer system to embrace a future that will be 100% sustainable. As purchasers, workers and ordinary citizens, our duty is to make the right choice now and for those who will come after us. We already hold the solution: recycling, the real driver for the circular economy.

Do not stop the circle,
allow plastic to return.

What is the circular economy?

This is where we start over.
Let’s fix a point of return.
But first
let’s challenge our comfort zone,
We can live well
without being sucked into ultra-consumerism.
The economy must be aware of the environment
to be sustainable.
We must respond to problems now
to reduce distances between us and a future
that seems to be moving further away.
This is the world we imagine today,
a more aware world for living in.
As citizens, as consumers, as workers, as SIPA
with this manifesto we declare our desire:
let’s change a linear system that no longer brings any benefits.
We have a circular economy, inspired by the shape of the Earth,
a never-ending circle.
This is a new start, where evrything returns.
Let’s stop living on credit from our planet and future generations.
This is where we start over.
An exceptional Circular Hero: Alex Bellini

Aware of its impact on the global economy, SIPA commits to social responsibility with a strong “green” imprint and today becomes the leading company in its sector to wave the flag of change by talking about the circular economy. And if Circular Heroes are the voices shouting this message loud and clear, Alex Bellini is the absolute main player.

The mission of Italian explorer Alex Bellini is to raise the world’s awareness of the enormous potential of informed recycling and the circular economy in order to save the future of us all. To do so, he has set up 10 Rivers, 1 Ocean #weareallinthesameboat, a journey on the world’s most polluted rivers and oceans to show just how far humanity has gone and trace a starting point for our return.
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We share his thinking and have decided to support him. The circular economy and good recycling behaviour are the most effective solutions to implement right now. We still have a chance before we reach the point of no return: it is our ability to choose, to do the right thing. Anybody can become a Circular Hero and save the environment every day, simply by recycling without waiting for superpowers.
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